How Can Users Communicate within the Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA)

In this guide, you will find the available ways how you can visit your classmates' profiles, how to communicate with each other and contact NiYA Admin.

Step 01

Users Communicate with the Admin and Learners

Step 02

In the Learners tab, you can find all the users who have enrolled in this specific course. By clicking on a particular user card, you will be transferred to the user's profile. There, you can click on the Contact button and send them a direct message. The message will be sent to the user's inbox.

In the Discuss tab, you can find all the comments that have been posted on the course so far, and you will be able to add a new one if you wish to.

  • In case you would like to ask anything from a specific user or member of the staff, you can go to the Discuss tab and tag them, by typing the @ in front of the username. They will receive a notification message in their inbox. The tag ability applies in the exact same way if you will post anything on the Community page.


On the Community page, you are able to make posts and polls, communicate with other users (not only the users who have enrolled in a specific course), create groups, and share anything you wish to in a particular group of users.

On the Community page, you can check out:

  • The people you have followed.
  • The people you are following.
  • The entire activity of the Community (posts, polls that have been posted).
  • The Groups you have created, or you can create a new group from scratch

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